Tree House Recovery Colorado

Success Rates

Rehab Success Rates​

When searching for addiction treatment options in Colorado, it’s crucial to understand rehab success rates. You need to be familiar with industry standards and know how to ask the right questions to select the most suitable treatment for optimal results.

At Tree House Recovery, we offer a holistic and comprehensive approach to addiction treatment that addresses co-occurring mental health issues. Our team of skilled professionals provides personalized care, ensuring that you or your loved one receives the highest level of treatment possible. Contact our team today at (720) 640-0202 to learn more and access our addiction resources.

Defining Substance Use Disorder Treatment

There is a lack of standardization in the rehab industry, making it challenging to define rehabilitation accurately. Although a license is required to operate a rehab facility, there are no universal guidelines for what constitutes a rehab. Furthermore, the requirements for obtaining a license differ from state to state, making it even more complicated. This minimal regulation in the rehab industry leads to varying treatment methods and approaches across different facilities [1] [2].

Tree House Completion Rates

% of Clients Who Graduate
30 %


Industry Standard Completion Rates [1]

Avg Rehab Graduation Percent
30 %

What Do Rehab Success Rates Mean?

Measuring “success” in addiction recovery can differ between facilities, as each may have their own criteria or method for defining it. For instance, one facility may consider completing their program as a successful outcome, whereas another may define success as remaining sober for a specific period after treatment [3][4].

Moreover, facilities can easily claim high success rates without providing clear definitions of what constitutes success, leaving it open to interpretation. For example, relapse rates can be a contentious issue, with some viewing complete abstinence from all substances as the only measure of success, while others may have a more flexible definition. The way a facility defines and measures relapse can significantly impact their reported addiction recovery success rates.

Making Sense of Rehab Success Rates:

Choosing the appropriate rehab center is critical, and understanding its success rate can be a useful guide. Nevertheless, it’s essential to ask the right questions because these figures can be misleading without context. For instance, if a program boasts a 90% success rate, it’s crucial to understand how they define success. Furthermore, if 90% of graduates remain sober, it’s vital to know how they define “sober.” For example, does it include people who take prescribed methadone for heroin addiction?

When assessing the efficiency of a rehab program, several critical questions can be asked:

  1. What percentage of people finish the program?
  2. What percentage of people stay sober for one year after?
  3. What is your program’s definition of “sober”? 

Tree House Recovery's Addiction Recovery Success Rates

Research suggests that the most successful treatment approach is one that empowers individuals to rebuild themselves and overcome their dependence on substances. This involves not only completing the program but also incorporating the physical, mental, and social practices learned during treatment into daily life. Doing so helps to sustain the progress made and continue the process of personal transformation.


Sustaining long-term abstinence from drugs requires more than simply enduring a short-term period without using them. It involves developing a new mindset toward substances and discovering ways to lead a satisfying life without them. This entails establishing a new lifestyle that is both enjoyable and capable of supporting your sobriety. Creating such a lifestyle begins with a positive and successful treatment experience that is completed in full.


88% of people who enter Tree House Recovery successfully finish the program.


Industry Standard Graduation Rate
25 %
Average AA Dropout Rate in First Year
25 %

Why Is Tree House's Approach More Effective?

At Tree House, we believe that drug addiction is often a manifestation of underlying health issues. Along with utilizing evidence-based therapies, we prioritize helping clients establish a strong foundation of physical, mental, and social well-being. As clients work toward building this foundation, they begin to experience positive changes in their lives. This approach leads to a more empowering and growth-focused experience, rather than a program that focuses on limitations and feelings of powerlessness. In other words, Tree House emphasizes health over illness, and clients see tangible progress that motivates them to continue their journey. To learn more, please refer to the Tree House health targets listed below.



98% of our graduates report the ability to regulate and address negative emotions.


96% of our graduates report an increased ability to use self-reflection to make better decisions.


98% percent of graduates report improved ability to base decisions on past and present insights 



86% of our graduates continue the personal fitness plans from Tree House.


88% of graduates report daily above average energy levels when maintaining habits from the program.


79% of graduates maintain the healthy diets they learn.



89% of Tree House graduates currently have a full-time job.


12% of graduates go on to attend school full-time.


90% of graduates stay connected to their Tree House teammates.  

Relapse Rates After Rehab

According to a 2006 peer-reviewed study, individuals who undergo rehab have a relapse rate that is around 20% lower compared to those who do not seek treatment. The study analyzed the factors that affect a person’s capacity to sustain sobriety or remain in remission after one, three, and sixteen years. The study ultimately concluded that:

  • People who participate in treatment and AA during their first year of recovery are more likely to stay sober.
  • There is no evidence to suggest that postponing seeking AA or treatment after the first year of sobriety increases the chances of remission or decreases the likelihood of relapse.
  • Around 40% of individuals experience relapse after rehab, compared to a 60% relapse rate for those who do not undergo rehab.

Length of Treatment and Relapse Statistics

According to a peer-reviewed study conducted by the National Institute of Drug Abuse, the length of treatment has a significant impact on reducing relapse rates. The study discovered that the optimal treatment duration is at least 90 days. The study examined 1,605 cocaine users who completed treatment and revealed that 35% of those who completed less than 90 days of treatment reported using cocaine the following year. In contrast, only 17% of those who completed at least 90 days of treatment reported using cocaine. [3]

Every patient at Tree House Recovery receives 90 days minimum of treatment. Most patients stay the full five months.

Spontaneous Recovery

Spontaneous recovery occurs when an individual stops using drugs or alcohol without undergoing treatment or rehab. Some individuals view addiction as a choice rather than a disease and believe that spontaneous recovery is possible. However, studies suggest that the reality is more complex.

A 1986 study revealed that the probability of spontaneous recovery can range from 4% to 59%. The reason for this wide range is that different studies use different definitions for addiction, treatment, and recovery. [5][6]

The likelihood of spontaneous recovery diminishes as the addiction becomes more severe. Moreover, if treatment solely involves rehab, the likelihood of recovery without it is lower. Conversely, if treatment includes other forms of support like seeing a doctor or therapist, the possibility of spontaneous recovery increases. Additionally, the likelihood of spontaneous recovery decreases if recovery is defined as total abstinence from drugs or alcohol or maintaining sobriety for four or more years.

To summarize, individuals with less severe addiction issues may not require rehab to discontinue drug or alcohol use if they receive other types of treatment. However, it is crucial to note that these individuals may find it more challenging to sustain sobriety in the long term and may sometimes relapse, which can be hazardous.

What Does Treatment Success Require?

Studies have shown that people who have been sober for 15-25 years after treatment have changed in many ways. They have new daily routines, new friends, different ways of dealing with problems, and new self-care habits. Being successful in treatment means helping someone become a different person who views sobriety as a positive thing, not a difficult challenge.

If you’re considering rehab, you may be wondering if it will help you stay sober. The short answer is that people who go to rehab are more likely to stay sober than those who try to quit on their own. But for treatment to be successful, two things must happen:

First, the person must see their drug or alcohol use as a problem and truly want to change their ways. Treatment should help the person understand why they want to stop using and help them adopt new thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs that support a sober lifestyle. This is called “cognitive reorganization.” People who are motivated to change from within are more likely to stay sober in the long term, rather than people who are motivated by external factors like guilt.

Second, staying sober means making a choice to live without drugs or alcohol. This requires a change in the way a person thinks about their addiction and sobriety, which is called a “cognitive reorganization.” Treatment should motivate someone to make a real change in their life and help them find new hobbies, careers, and friends who don’t use drugs or alcohol. These changes help give a person a new identity as a sober person and make it more difficult to relapse since it would mean giving up things they care about.

Find Success in Rehab at Tree House Recovery

If you’re looking to overcome addiction and achieve lasting sobriety, consider Tree House Recovery, an addiction treatment program located in Denver, Colorado. Our program is designed to provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to continue your journey towards recovery. To learn more about our program and how we can help, reach out to our team at (720) 640-0202. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

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Justin McMillen :CEO

It's Lifestyle Recovery

There is a Better Way to Overcome Addiction – A Health-Centered Program.

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